A variant of the blessings of the war recited by all the leaders in the morning before the battle. Compare 1QM.
Frag. 10 | |
Col. 2 | |
(7) | [...] |
(8) | in the Kitti[m ...] |
(9) | the infantrymen shall begin [to bring down the casualties of the Kittim ... And the] |
(10) | battle [shall prevail] against the Kittim [...] the corpses of the place of refining [shall begin] to fall by [the mysteries] of God. |
(11) | And the p[riests shall sound the trumpets of assembly ...] |
(12) | battle among the Kittim. And to the first battle formation ...] |
(13) | And the priest designated for the battle shall draw near and stand [be]fore [the battle formation ...] |
(14) | and he shall strengthen their hands by recounting His wondrous deeds. Then he shall sa[y] in response [... fire of] |
(15) | vengeance, to consume among gods and men. For [He shall] not [...] |
(16) | flesh, except dust (?). For now [...] |
(17) | and [tne fire] shall consume as far as Sheol. And the council of wickedness [...] |
Frag. 11 | |
Frags. 11-15 represent a variant of 1QM cols. See 1-17 above. | |
Col. 2 | |
(14) | [... He is] faithful, and the relief which His redemption [...] |
(15) | [... son]s oftruth and to remove the faint of heart and to strengthen the he[art ...] |
(16) | [... the batt]le today, the God of Isr[ael] shall subdue him (Belial?) [...] |
(17) | [...] with no place to stand. And [the kingdo]m shall be for God and the salvatio[n] for His people [...] |
(18) | [...] like as to Belial. But God's covenant is peace [for] Israel in all the times [of eternity ...] |
(19) | And.after these words the priests shall blow to order the second battle with the Kit[tim. And when each man has taken] |
(20) | his station, then the priests shall blow a second signal for advance. When they have approached the ba[ttle line of the Kittim, within throwing range,] |
(21) | each man [shall ra]ise his hand with his battle weapon. Then the priests shall b[lo]w on the tr[umpets of the [slain a staccato note] |
(22) | [to direct the battle and the Levites] and the all the people with rams' horns shall so[u]nd [a loud] n[ote ... And when] |
(23) | [the sound of the blast is heard, they shall begin to bring do]wn the casualties of the guilty. The sound of the [...] |
(24) | [...] |
Frag. 13 | |
(1) | [...] width the gods [...] |
(2) | [...] the smallest of you shall pursue a tho[usand ...] |
(3) | [... And after] these [w]ords, [the priests] shall blow [to order the third battle with the Kittim and the columns] |
(4) | [shall deploy at the sound of the trum]pets. When each m[an] has taken [his position] by division, [the priest shall blow a second blast on the trumpets for] |
(5) | [advance. When] they [have approached] the battle line of the Kittim, within throwing range, [each man] shall raise his hand [with his battle weapon. The priests shall blow, to direct |
(6) | [the battle, on the trumpets of the slain, a staccato note. Then the Levites and all [the people with rams' horns shall sound a battle blast, and the formations] |
(7) | [shall be figh]ting one behind the other with no space between them. For [...] |
(8) | [... and] all the people shall answer, raising [on]e voice, and say [...] |
Frag. 15 | |
(1) | [...] and there is no [...] |
(2) | [...] and a processio[n behold we are taking position to advance [...] |
(4) | [...] |
(5) | [... And] he shall say to them in response, "Be strong and courageous [...] |
(6) | [... For the] outstretched [hand] of God is upon all the Gentiles, [He shall] not [...] |
(7) | [...] kingship is [for God] Almighty and salvation is for His petple. And y[ou ...] |
(8) | [...] his [im]purity, the gods shall advance upon you with [...] |
(9) | [...] and to cast all [their] corpse[s ...] |
(10) | [...] and all the spirits of [his] lot [...] |
(11) | [...] eternal, together wi[th ...] |
(13) | [...] war [...] |
Manuscript B presents a much shorter version of the War Scroll than the one discovered in Cave 1.
Frag. 1-3 | |
(1) | Korah and his congregation [...] judgment [...] |
(2) | before the whole congregation of [... jud]gment as sign[s ...] |
(3) | and the chief of his angels with their [forces,] to direct their hand [in] battle. [...] for the chariotry and the hor[semen ...] |
(4) | The hand of God shall strike [...] for eternal annihilation [...] they shall atone for you [...] all the princes [...] |
(5) | His holiness in eternal jo]y [...] And after [...] the congregation and all] the prince[s ...] shall not go to the enemy battle lines [...] |
(6) | This is the rule when they camp and [... and in] their divisions [...] around, outside [...] and women, young boys, and any man who is afflicted with impurity in his flesh shall not come near] |
(7) | [the battle] line. The craftsmen [and blacksm]iths and those enlisted as [...] for their watches [... the battle line until they return. And there shall be two thousand cubits between the [camps and the latrine, so] |
(8) | no nakedness might be seen in their surroundings. And when they set out to prepare for battle [so as to sub]due [the enemy], some of them [shall be] dismissed by lot from each tribe according to those enlisted for [each] day's duty. |
(9) | That day, men from each tribe [shall] go out from the camps to the house of me[eting ... and] the [priest]s, the Levites, and all the chiefs of the camps [shall] go out to them. Then they shall pass before [them] there [...] |
(10) | by thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens. Each man who is not [clean in regard to his genitals] that [nig]ht [shall] no[t g]o out with them to battle. For the holy angels are with their battle lines [...] |
(11) | [When] the formation standing ready to pass to all [...] of battle for that day [g]oes up [...], three formations shall stand one behind the other, and they shall establish a space between [each] battle formation. |
(12) | [Then they shall go out] to the battle in turn. These are the [infan]trymen and alongside them are [cavalry]men, [and they shall take their position between the battle] formations. But if they establish an ambush for a battle formation, the three ambushing formations shall [stay at a dist]ance and not ris[e up ...] |
(13) | [...] the battle. When they [h]ear the trumpets of alarm, the [infantry]men [shall begin to bring do]wn the guilty casualties. Then the ambush shall rise up from its place and also order its [battle form]ations [...] |
(14) | The reassembly: from the right and left, from be[hind and before, the f]our direction[s ...] in the battles of annihilation. All the battle formation[s] which engaged the en[emy] for battle [shall be gathered] |
(15) | together. The [fi]rst battle formation shall [set out to battle] and the second shall remain standting] at their post. When their period is completed, the first shall return and s[tand . ] |
(16) | The sec[ond foray ...] when the battle is arrayed. When the second battle formation shall have completed their period, they shall return and t[ake their position.] |
(17) | And the t[hird foray ... Then the Chief Priest shall take his stand with his brothers the priests,] the Levites, and men [of the arm]y. And all the while the priests shall be sounding on the trumpets [...] |
(18) | A lin[en] sash [of twined fine linen, violet, purple, and crimson, and a varicolored design, the work of a skillful workman, and decorated c]aps [on their heads. And they shall not take them into the sanctuary,] f[or] they are garments for bat[tle.] |
(19) | According to all [this] rule [...] chiefs of the camp [...] |
(20) | for [...] all [...] they will completely annihilate [...] |
This manuscript, mistakenly labeled as a copy of the War Scroll, is instead a copy of a hymn similar to the Thanksgiving Psalms.
Frag. 11 Col I | |
(8) | [...] who does wondrous things [...] |
(9) | [... in the pow] er of his strength the rig[hteou]s cry out, and the holy ones rejoice [...] justly lot ... I]srael. He established His truth from of old, and the mysteries of His cunning in eve[ry ...] strength |
(10) | [...] and the society of the oppressed as an eternal congregation [...] perfect of |
(12) | [...] eternal, a mighty throne in the congregation of the gods. None of the ancient kings shall sit on it, and their nobles tshall] not [... There are no]ne comparable |
(13) | [to me in] my glory, no one shall be exalted besides me; none shall associate with me. For I dwelt in the [...] in the heavens, and there is no one |
(14) | [...]. I am reckoned with the gods and my abode is in the holy congregation. [My] desi[re] is not according to the flesh, and everything precious to me is in the glory |
(15) | [of] the holy [habit]ation. [Wh]om have I considered contemptible? Who is comparable to me in my glory? Who of those who sail the seas shall return telling |
(16) | [of] my [equa]l? Who shall [experience] troubles like me? And who is like me [in bearing] evil? I have not been taught, but no teaching compares |
(17) | [with my teaching]. Who then shall attack me when [I] ope[n my mouth]? Who can endure the utterance of my lips? Who shall arraign me and compare with my judgment |
(13) | [... Fo]r I am reck[oned] with the gods, [and] my glory with that of the sons of the King. Neither [refined go]ld, nor the gold of Ophir |
(19) | [...] |
(20) | [...] righteous ones among the gods of [...] in the holy habitation. Praise Him in song [...] |
(21) | [... P]roclaim the meditation of joy [...] joyously forever. There is not [...] |
(22) | [...] to raise up a horn of [...] |
(23) | [...] to make known His hand in strength [...] |
[...] | lost text |
{Text} | suggestion for improvement |
(Text) | words not contained in the original text, but added to the translation for better understanding. |
(?) | uncertain reading |
[Text] | added text |