Hebr.: Fonts and Wordprocessors |
| KByte
| Datum
| Beschreibung
4HEBFNTS.ZIP | 92 | 23.08.95 | 4 Hebrew TrueType fonts 4 Windoze
DEADSEA.ZIP | 10 | 20.01.95 | DeadSea PostScript font
ELROFONT.ZIP | 31 | 23.04.95 | Hebrew font (TrueType) to use with Netscape
GADTTF.ZIP | 22 | 18.11.92 | GAD TrueType font
HBVENTUR.ZIP | 11 | 07.04.89 | Shemesh An HP Laserjet II Hebrew Font With Ventura Screen Font and Width Table
HEBFONTS.ZIP | 71 | 11.05.92 | Collection of Hebrew ATM/TTF fonts
HEBR_TTF.ZIP | 31 | 15.04.92 | hebräischer TrueType-Font
HPDAVID.ZIP | 45 | 21.12.93 | DAVID softfont for HP printers, emulate an expensiv Hebrew cartridge
HPHEBREW.ZIP | 30 | 07.09.88 | HPHEBREW creates and downloads softfonts for Hewlett-Packard's LaserJet series II Printer.
HPHEB_10.ZIP | 32 | 20.10.88 | Hebrew softfonts for HP printers
JERUSALE.ZIP | 9 | 20.01.95 | Jerusalem PostScript font
NETEXT.ZIP | 58 | 02.04.96 | Hebrew font (TrueType) to use with Netscape
OLDJAFFA.ZIP | 9 | 20.01.95 | OldJaffa PostScript font
PANASONI.ZIP | 3 | 20.01.95 | PanaSoni.Bas: Hebrew Alef-bet for PANASONIC KX-P1081 Printer
REUVNTTF.ZIP | 10 | 18.11.92 | REUVEN TrueType font
ROMHEBW.ZIP | 3 | 09.06.91 | Hebrew fonts for Windows
SFONTS10.ZIP | 215 | 24.01.94 | Collection of Hebrew fonts. Both, TrueType and ATM format are pro- vided in this archiv.
SHALOOLD.ZIP | 26 | 20.09.92 | Hebrew ATM-Font: ShalomOldStyle
SHALOSCR.ZIP | 27 | 20.09.92 | Hebrew ATM-Font: ShalomScript.
SHALOSTI.ZIP | 21 | 20.09.92 | Hebrew ATM-Font: ShalomStick
TELAVIV.ZIP | 8 | 20.01.95 | TelAviv PostScript font
TORAH.ZIP | 35 | 11.02.94 | Hebrew font "Torah" in both TrueType and ATM format.
WEBFONT.ZIP | 131 | 22.03.95 | Hebrew font (TrueType & ATM) to use with Netscape
WGREEK19.ZIP | 287 | 02.06.93 | win-util. Controls the write-direction (left to right/right to left) and setting of accents!
WINHEB11.ZIP | 142 | 02.06.93 | Hebrew fonts for Windows
DGSDEMO.ZIP | 1.026 | 10.08.93 | Dagesh v 1.1 -- demo of one of the best Hebrew*English wordprocessors for MS Windows
E-BREW.ZIP | 59 | 27.06.95 | HED is a WordStar like editor for editing hebrew text.
EBREWADD.ZIP | 24 | 30.11.95 | additional stuff for e-brew.zip
EINDEMO.ZIP | 140 | 10.01.88 | The famous Hebrew wordprocessor Einstein (Working!)
HAKOTEV.ZIP | 542 | 05.07.93 | Good Hebrew/English wordprocessor for MS Windows with 26 Hebrew TTF fonts (DEMO)
HEBED15.ZIP | 679 | 27.08.95 | Hebrew Edit v1.50 <ASP>. Hebrew text editor that supports Hebrew vowels (Nikud), script and block letters. Prints beautiful large characters on LaserJet, DeskJet and dot matrix printers. Requires VGA or EGA. Registered version can export Hebrew text to Windows ($19). Hebrew Keyboard Overlay and manual with full registration ($27).
HEBFONT.ZIP | 11 | 14.06.92 | Hebrew screenfont needed for IBELBE editor
HEB_TRNS.ZIP | 19 | 29.07.92 | This program translates Macintosh ASCII files to PC ASCII files. The program translates from the "ISO Hebrew" standart used on the Mac into the "new Hebrew" standard used on the PC. For additional options see included documentation.
HED101.ZIP | 53 | 08.06.92 | Tiny Hebrew editor
IBELBE.ZIP | 47 | 14.06.92 | Emacs like editor with Hebrew support (even right-to-left Instead of "Eight-Mb-And-Const- antly-Swapping", this one only consumes about 40 kB
QTEXT.ZIP | 113 | 05.01.90 | early version of one of the best Hebrew / English wordprocessors for DOS (working demo). Uses standard Hebrew keyboard def.