Hebr.: Drivers and Communication
      Dateiname KByte  Datum  Beschreibung
 HEB11.ZIP1118.10.92TSR to invoke some Hebrew passages right-to-left while in a "normal" left-to-right environment
 HEBDOS.ZIP829.09.91change your DOS to a Hebrew one by using this included font together with codepage 972
 HEBDRV20.ZIP2808.04.92A couple of screen font drivers (TSR) to use with DOS (different fonts!) and an EGA/VGA type display. Included in this package is a Hebrew keyboard driver.
 YG-FONT1.ZIP14809.05.92Hebrew screen and printer fonts. Allows use of Hebrew without an Hebrew graphics chip.
 HEBITOR.ZIP1327.12.93HEBITOR is a Hebrew editor for BBS's. It is a full featured editor with: Message quoting Help Bilingual (switchable) The editor does a perfect job in the RA environment.
 HEB_ADDN.ZIP19507.08.92additional files for Hebrew-Kermit
 HEB_KERM.ZIP10310.08.92Kermit 3.11 with Hebrew support, V 1.7 This version does vt320, etc emulation and features limited hebrew support.
 POCHAT10.ZIP10127.12.93Post Office Chat - a chat door for RA which supports both Hebrew and English language and offers much more features like multiple sysops and word changing. By Uriel Segal, Sysop of Ranger BBS.